Thursday 4 September 2008

University Of Oklahoma Researchers Developing New Tool To Detect Cancer

�Early cancer detection canful significantly better survival rates. Current diagnostic tests often fail to detect cancer the Crab in the earliest stages and at the same time uncover a affected role to the harmful effects of radiation. Led by Dr. Patrick McCann, a small group of internationally known researchers at the University of Oklahoma with expertise in the development of mid-infrared lasers is working to create a sensor to detect biomarker gases exhaled in the breath of a person with cancer.

Proof-of-concept detection of a suspected lung cancer biomarker in exhaled breath has already been established as reported by the Oklahoma radical in the July 2007 issue of Applied Optics. The research was inspired by studies showing that dogs canful detect cancer the Crab by sniffing the exhaled breath of cancer patients. For exercise, by smelling breath samples, dogs identified breast and lung cancer patients with accuracies of 88 and 97 per centum, respectively, as reported in the March 2006 number of Integrative Cancer Therapies. The grounds is net - gas phase molecules are unambiguously associated with cancer.

Intrigued by the concept of victimization breath analysis to observe cancer, McCann saw an opportunity to use mid-infrared laser technology to help elucidate the relationship betwixt specific natural gas phase biomarker molecules and cancer. He believes it is possible to develop easy-to-use detection devices for cancer, particularly for hard-to-detect cancers like lung cancer the Crab. McCann says we indigence sensors that detect these gas phase cancer biomarkers. "A device that measures cancer specific gases in exhaled breath would change medical research, as we know it."

McCann says the science and technology subsist to supporting the development of a new tool to discover cancer, just the research will take from five to 10 years to get low-cost devices into the clinic. OU may have the strongest dependant upon of researchers dedicated to providing a solution to the problem using this approach. Even though studies confirm that dogs lavatory detect cancer by smelling the gases, they can't tell us what gases they olfaction. It's up to the medical research community exploitation the c. H. Best measurement tools to figure that out.

According to McCann, "Improved methods to notice molecules experience been demonstrated, and more than people pauperism to be using these methods to detect molecules given off from genus Cancer. We receive developed laser-based methods to detect molecules. Mid-infrared lasers can measure suspected crab biomarkers - ethane, formaldehyde and ethanal." McCann volition use nanotechnology to amend laser public presentation and wither laser systems, which would allow battery-powered operation of a hand-held sensor device.

"You often have to go outside your discipline to pioneer new areas of research and Oklahoma has an advantage with so many experts in other fields. But getting funding for interdisciplinary research is challenging. However, more washington and research infrastructure are needed for this device to become a realness. As we build upon our existing capabilities Oklahoma can get more widely known as a center of attention of excellency in this important area."

Even though McCann is non a malignant neoplastic disease researcher, he wants his research on developing innovative laser technology to benefit the millions of masses who would otherwise suffer from a late-stage cancer diagnosis. McCann knows it can be done. He says, "The science supports it, and the dogs tell us there is something there."

Source: Jana Smith

University of Oklahoma

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